"History is past politics, and politics present history." John Robert Seeley

"The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you can see." Winston Churchill

"What we have to learn to do, we learn by doing." Aristotle


World Poverty Commemoration Day

Main Photo

Back Row: Aidan Rowe, Shane Byrne, Eamon Gillan, Ryan Langella,

Mathew McGarry, Frank Chambers, Kurt English, James Darcy, Marc Ferris,

Santino Borza, Daniel Craddock, Father John Gallagher.

Front Row: Johmel Real, Blake Singleton, Ian Peel, Juliano Isufaj, Adam Corbally, Greg Campion, Bradley Lyne, Conor Gilsenan, Charlie Banks, Alan Plunkett, Shane Dunleavy, Shane Keogh, Brian Dunlea.

Teacher: Mr. McSweeney

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